Everything you need to know about washing curtains

Wash curtains

It's one of those things you don't check often: your curtains. Washing curtains is therefore an activity that not many people think about. Questions like “how often to wash curtains?” and “how were your curtains?” we hear that many times. And right curtains require special treatment. Because not everyone knows how to wash curtains, we have made a short summary with everything you need to know about washing curtains.

How often to wash curtains?

That is actually very simple, as soon as they are dirty and/or wrinkled. How quickly this happens depends on the household. Do you have pets, is there occasional smoking in the house or are there other sources of dirt? Then you will have to have the curtains washed more often than when these sources are not present. A good tip to keep track of this is to take a picture of the curtains when they are new or have just been washed. Because the accumulation of dirt takes place gradually, people often do not realize this quickly, but when they can compare the difference it suddenly becomes very easy to recognize.

Why do you have a curtain washed?

What not many people know is that washing curtains is a very precise job. This is because it concerns very fragile textile material, which should always be treated with specialist equipment such as you will find with us. If you do not do this, the entire curtain can shrink considerably, deform and crumple. If the curtains have a special blackout layer, then it must be completely treated with our specialist machines. Because this substance is extra sensitive.

To ensure that your curtains are completely fresh and new after our treatment, we don't just wash them. We also press them completely tight again, so that we can be hung back in full glory.
